Friday, October 3, 2014

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Fish With Human Teeth Found In A Russian River

A fisherman caught a weird fish with human teeth in Arkhangelsk region of Russia's Northern Dvina River. The fisherman said that the fish is bizarre and had a creepy human-like set of teeth.

“When I opened it I nearly dropped the thing in surprise," Alexander Korobov, an experienced fisherman, said, according to the Metro.
"It is very unlikely that it made its way from its natural tropical waters to our Arctic and then into the river so we can only assume it was dumped by an owner of exotic fish," he said, according to the Mirror.

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Scientists believe that the fish is a kind of herbivorous piranha, Gennady Dvorykankin of Knipovich Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Ocenography said.

Tags: fish with human teeth, fish human teeth, fish with teeth, fish with human like teeth, human teeth fish, fish with human looking teeth, fish with teeth like humans, fish with human teeth snopes, fish with human teeth video, river monsters, fish with human teeth pictures, Fish With Human Teeth Russia, bizarre, weird, odd, odd news, weird news, weird facts, weird people, weird science, weird animals, bizarre foods, bizarre news, bizarre facts, Alexander Korobov

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