Tuesday, September 2, 2014

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Would You Like to Live Forever? Quest for Immortality!

Have you ever thought of living forever? I know that most of us, at one point in our life thought of living forever even though it's kind of weird and bizarre because in our generation it is still nearly impossible. We have different reasons why we would want to live forever; family, love ones, friends and even ambission. That's why we keep on trying to defeat the aging process by using almost all available resources. What if I say that living forever is now at your reach? Would you believe that?


It's not like what you are thinking about. The word describes a very contrived and scientific word for growing old. To be specific, it describes the gradual biological deterioration of cellular function, which means that after maturation, the person or living thing in question experiences increased mortality in step with the passage of time.

Senescence is the one that causes your wrinkles and grey or white hairs and your stubborn spare tire. It is the process we cannot avoid. And it is the process that some of us wish to avoid.

Since the early years (I am pertaining to years before Christ), mankind has been looking for the key to immortality. Whether that be through the fountain of youth that Sir Isaac Newton has been saying or through the efforts of trans-humanist society who see things a bit realistic and possible.

Senescence does not apply to all living things. There are certain plants and animals who do not suffer from an increased mortality as they age. In fact, some of them undergo defined decrease in their life size. These creatures are those once they reached their mature form will have the ability to revert back into pre mature state of being, which bypasses the process of senescence, that I know is weird, bizarre and mysterious.

Medical science has conducted numerous studies about this process and it's attendant features for decades, in pursuit of both cosmetic and more humane means of giving a lengthy and quality life. Trans-humanist, that's what they are called, is the largest group of people who wish to achieve immortality.

This process of gaining immortality is not as easy as what you have read from science-fiction books. Transhumanists usually finds the possibilities though cybergenetics, a merging technology and biology in an effort to find some permanece of life.

William H. Andrews and Aubrey de Grey approached the puzzle from drastically different positions. Andrews focused in biological methods of achieving a similar reversing of increased mortality. He believes that extending the telometers in our DNA is the answer.

Telometers are the caps on the ends of DNA strands, which appears to shorten as we age. Some scientists believe that there is a direct relation between telomere shortening and senescence. Andrews is currently seeking means to produce a chemical medications that will reinforce telomeres to make humans immortal.

In the other hand, De Grey is focusing on a more space-age approach regarding immortality. He is calling help for funding his research into medical nanotechnology. De Grey believes the answer is to develop and deploy micro robots that will work in the patient's blood stream to repair and replace damaged cells.


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