Saturday, November 8, 2014

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This Weird $6,000 Upside Down Car Is Awesome!

upside down car, upside down truck, 2 cars combined, weird car, awesome car, strange car,

Rick Sullivan took six months to build his famous upside down car. He's proud to say that his weird car creation gets photographed up to 1,000 times a day!

This incredible upside down pick up truck is said to cost $6,000 and was built in six long months. This awesome car was created using two separate vehicles.

Sullivan used a 1991 Ford Ranger pickup truck as the road-legal car while A F-150 pickup truck body was placed over the top, upside down.

upside down car, upside down truck, 2 cars combined, weird car, awesome car, strange car,

Rick and his wife runs a collision center in Clinton, Illinois and used the place to build his weird upside down truck.
Rick said: “I built the truck by starting out collecting parts for a Ford F150, we bought different parts in different locations."

“Then on the drive train it is a 91 Ford Ranger that I bought complete. We tore the body off of it and transformed the F150 upside down on to the 91 Ford Ranger.”

This awesome upside down car attracts attention wherever it goes. Drivers and pedestrians stop to stare at it. Some even take pictures of the weird car.
He said: "There's no blueprint - I just started buying parts and then putting it together."

“It's all in my head and we had to make adjustments throughout, but it turned out pretty much like I envisioned it."

“People are amazed, it’s one of those things when you first see it, it’s hard to recognise what it is but when you take the second look then they want to pull me over and take a closer look at it.”


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