Wednesday, November 5, 2014

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Meet the Cyclops Horse - 1 Horse with 1 Eye!

Cyclops Horse, Cyclops Horse Photos, Cyclops Horse Copenhagen, Cyclops Horse Denmark, weird horse, horse with defect, one eyed horse, horse with one eye,

A weird horse was born in Denmark last year. It's so called "cyclops horse" due to it's weird appearance. Unfortunately, this odd horse died immediately after birth and was donated by its owner to the University of Copenhagen.

What makes it cyclops? It's because of the horse's single eye with two eerie pupils.
"It is a fusion of two eyes, so it contains two of several things including the pupils... People are fascinated by such defects because it reveals the diversity of biology. It shows that nature can be so strange," professor Henrik Elvang Jensen said on the university's website. "Such mutations may occur in all animals, and even humans."

Researches and scientists still doesn't know what caused the defect on the horse's eye, but, they said that accompanying deformities in the animal's nervous system makes it impossible to encounter an alive cyclops horse.

The head of the dead cyclops horse is still being kept in a storage, but the university is planning to display it sooner.
Jensen said that while he anticipates public interest in the head, isolated specimens aren't generally significant to researchers. This is the first cyclops horse they've seen in 30 years.

Cyclops Horse, Cyclops Horse Photos, Cyclops Horse Copenhagen, Cyclops Horse Denmark, weird horse, horse with defect, one eyed horse, horse with one eye,


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